Big Brew Recap
What a fantastic day for a Big Brew! Under warm sunny skies we had 13 different brewing systems going simultaneously in Chris’s front yard. They ranged from Marty’s 2 gallon fully automated PicoBrew and Justin’s 2.5 gallon 3-tier stand, up through Ian’s 10 gallon batch on Sir Ballington and Michael and Chris D’s 20 gallon pseudo-partigyle. I figure we made about 80 gallons of homebrew at the event, with 9 of the 13 batches opting for trying their hand at the BHG 6th Anniversary Wee-Heavy. Another dozen or two people stopped by throughout the day to check out the scene, some of whom were using it as good research in plotting future system upgrades.
A big thank you to Chris Brehm for hosting us again, Jason Mantello for providing us with food, Frank and Brad at Aslan for providing a ton of fresh yeast, and everyone who made the effort to jam their equipment into cars and trailers and put the Big in Big Brew Day!