August 13th BHG Zoom Meeting
Bellingham Homebrewers Guild August Zoom Meeting
This month’s club meeting will again be on Zoom, due to COVID-19. Please drink your homebrew from the comfort of your own home and join us for a quick hangout on the web.
This meeting will be a special time, 6:30pm, which is the time that we typically begin announcements and official business at our in-person meetings.
To access the meeting you will need to click on the following link and will likely be prompted to install a free app on your PC or Phone. Make sure to also have the Meeting ID handy.
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 999 5242 8933
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Meeting ID: 999 5242 8933
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+12532158782,,99952428933# US (Tacoma)
+16699006833,,99952428933# US (San Jose)Dial by your location
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 999 5242 8933
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